I have two children, Dani who is 2.5 years old and Dylan who is 6 months old. Dani was quite a terror at bedtimes. She was used to first being rocked, and then patted till she fell asleep. We could never leave her alone in her room. The entire process took up to two hours every night.
When I first approached WingYan, my husband and I were both very apprehensive. But we had enough of frustrating nights and decided to just try. After all, what could be worse than what we were already going through? My goal was for Dani to fall asleep by herself and for Dylan to have the right habits right from the start.
Amazingly enough, we started seeing results as early as the third night. We moved away from Dani’s bed and there was no fighting. Dylan also doesn’t grumble as much before he fell asleep. Both kids were falling asleep within the hour every night. There was newfound time for us, and also renewed faith that this might actually work. We followed the customized sleep plans religiously and it DID work. Dani now falls asleep on her own. We no longer have to be in the same room as her. There is also no more shouting and scolding at bedtime. Dylan has also learnt to fall asleep without needing to be nursed.
We are very pleased with the results we have gotten from Precious Sleep Solutions and will definitely recommend it to everyone who needs a little guidance in sleep training their child / children!
Dawn O., Singapore